May 28, 2021
By ishi_xoxo GOLD, Hyderabad, Other
ishi_xoxo GOLD, Hyderabad, Other
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

In 1425, Joan of Arc, a 13 y/o girl, believed that she heard the voice of God telling her to drive

the English out of France. Consequently, she was tried for witchcraft and heresy in 1431, at the age of 19.

Crazy, right? But what if she wasn't crazy and deeply believed in something? The greatest thinkers of the world believed in something so strongly that it changed the world. Different people have faith in different things. And that's ok-7% of the world population are convinced atheists. But that doesn't mean they don't have faith in other people, in a better world, in the mysteries of the universe. Some blindly trust a higher power, and others have faith in their morals and actions. I believe in people, and their confidence in a higher power, which makes me feel safe.

However, it is hard to develop strong credence, not just in ourselves but in the ancient and immortal God. People take years to search for their passion, the ideologies worth for them to fight for. In this complex world, with new innovations, evolving dogmas, surprising tenets, it is hard to maintain our faith in a person/thing because we don't always get what we desire and blame it on our higher power rather than our actions. It is a constant struggle where we are never sure of the result.


So why is it easy for some than others? I am still searching for an answer. I believe many abandon faith when circumstances are difficult and answers are slow in coming. Learning to trust takes practice because faith isn't maintained when we fail to see the reality behind our higher power and morals. Faith requires a vision; faith requires seeing with spiritual eyes. "For we live by faith, not by sight."(2 Corinthians 5:7 NIV). And of course, it also requires the perky "p" twins, perseverance, and patience.

Ah, and this leads to a question. We have all walked through life long enough, our blissfully empty heads. But what do you guys believe in? What is your calling? Who do you blindly trust? What ideologies are worth fighting for? No one has enough power to force you into believing something, but it is much harder to introspect ourselves.

The author's comments:

Faith is very personal and close to me.

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