Blessed Be!!!!!! | Teen Ink

Blessed Be!!!!!!

September 30, 2009
By JasmineHodges SILVER, Texarkana, Arkansas
JasmineHodges SILVER, Texarkana, Arkansas
6 articles 0 photos 17 comments

I think its wrong when I get people who tell me or others they are going to hell based on their beliefs. I am a Wiccan and im proud of it. So many people today associate my religion with evil or worshipping the devil or harming/sacraficing others. Real Wiccans wouldnt do any of these things. Diffremt people practice Wicca in diffrent ways but for me i follow the wiccan rede which is harm none do as ye will. If you dont know what that means. It means you shouldn't harm anyone or yourself in anyway. How is that evil? I dont believe in the devil because people create their own evil and not some devil. I do believe their are evil spirits whishing to do us harm. I believe in the All/the goddess and god. I worship the goddess Nyx. I just wish people would become more educated about this religion and stop being so quick to judge when they find out someone is a wiccan or witch.

The author's comments:
What inspired me to write this is the reactions and coomeents I have recieved once people found out about my religion. Maybe by reaing this people would try to understand and find out more information about this religion before judging Wicccans or Witches so quickly. Also im still learning about Wicca as well and I like it a lot.

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This article has 28 comments.

on Jan. 26 at 1:08 pm
MAKE--A--DIFFERENCE, Yakima, Washington
0 articles 0 photos 4 comments
The golden witch rule "If it harms none, do what you will, so mote it be!" 😉

on Jun. 16 2016 at 1:12 pm
ScarletCity PLATINUM, High Ridge, Missouri
40 articles 4 photos 68 comments

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Anything that can be done, can be undone. ~Scarlet City<br />

To all teeninkers out there: A while back, my youth pastor did a series called The Gospel Journey Maui (By Greg Steer). They took, like, ten teens out to Maui and they hiked and swam, but they mostly learned about other religions. This might help. It certainly helped me. :)

on Dec. 8 2015 at 10:20 pm
ColdplayForever BRONZE, San Jose, California
1 article 0 photos 62 comments

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&quot;Coldplay fans are the best in the world. If you like Coldplay, then you&#039;re obviously very intelligent, good-looking, and all-around brilliant.&quot;<br /> ~Chris Martin

I go to an Episcopalian school, my family are Hindus, and I am an atheist. I completely agree with what you are saying, that people of different religions should not be discriminated against. I hate the belief that all atheists are people who sneer at the idea of God, and scorn all religious people for their beliefs. That is a discrimination in itself, but not many people seem to understand that. Very well written, I just think you should organize your thoughts a little more. :)

on Feb. 12 2013 at 10:27 am
Mr.packerbear12 SILVER, Minnesota Lake, Minnesota
5 articles 0 photos 105 comments

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&quot;Judge lest not you be judged&quot;<br /> <br /> &quot;Take the plank out of your own eye before the speck out of your brother&#039;s&quot;<br /> <br /> &quot;live each day as if it&#039;s your last&quot;<br /> <br /> &quot;God doesn&#039;t give you what you can handle, He helps you handle what you are given&quot;

i'm not christian and im not  a jew either but i believe the bible form front to back and what you are writing about is very domonic and om sorry i just did my research on the goddes you worship he's a very domonic goddess.

on Feb. 20 2012 at 8:04 am
The_Earl_of_Zerces PLATINUM, Waukesha, Wisconsin
36 articles 0 photos 106 comments

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&quot;Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.&quot;<br /> -Sigmund Freud

Atheists and agnostics experience prejudice as well. I mean, if a politician says that they're an atheist, it won't matter how good their policies are, they won't get elected.

Tabansi BRONZE said...
on Aug. 28 2011 at 5:51 pm
Tabansi BRONZE, JACKSON, New Jersey
2 articles 0 photos 12 comments
I can really relate to you. I, personally, draw from many religions.  Mostly Buddhism and Hinduism, but I also practice Wicca from time to time. When I tell people this, they think I'm crazy. But, if hey want to be ignorant, that's fine by me. Great article. Blessed be and Namaste :)

on Aug. 22 2011 at 3:58 pm
andromeda13 SILVER, Barrie, Other
8 articles 0 photos 174 comments
lol mi feel the same way, i'm farly new too Wicca, so i don't exactly call myself Wiccan, i've been studying it now for a couple weeks. i used too be an athiest, so this is a big thing too me.

rockyraccoon said...
on Jun. 26 2011 at 3:37 am
rockyraccoon, Fort Wayne, Indiana
0 articles 0 photos 54 comments

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today tommorow next month next year all look remarkably gray.

i do not think wiccans are evil devil worshiping satanists though i do mock them behind their backs christians to but only because from what i know their both simly a cut and past of other religions or just made up and misunderstood ideas

on Dec. 29 2010 at 6:35 pm
Phantom_Girl GOLD, Ft. Carson, Colorado
14 articles 0 photos 279 comments

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&quot;If it comes out of the lion&#039;s will be on the test.&quot;<br /> -Mr. Bala

P.S.-It's a great article, content wise, but you may want to organize your ideas a little better. Just my opinion.

on Nov. 15 2010 at 5:25 am
PuzzleLuver SILVER, Powell, Ohio
6 articles 0 photos 51 comments

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&quot;For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but have eternal life&quot; John 3:16

Great article. I now know a little bit about Wicca. I am christain so I don't believe in everything you say, but I agree you should learn about peoples religions before saying things about it.

on Nov. 10 2010 at 7:17 pm
Singinstar GOLD, Commack, New York
10 articles 1 photo 10 comments

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&quot;Never take life seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyway&quot;

 I've recently looked a lot at Wicca and i think that it seems like a really cool and interesting religion. I don't think i could be Wiccan, but i respect that you are.

on Oct. 2 2010 at 12:16 pm
spaghetti15 BRONZE, Harlingen, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 5 comments

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&quot;A true friend stabs you in the front.&quot;-Oscar Wilde

i totally agree with this article. im not a wiccan myself, but i have friends who are and from what i know about it, there is no devil worshipping or anything like that. its actually a very interesting religion. i myself am an atheist and i do get looked down sometimes because of it. so i know how you feel when people trash or talk bad about what you believe in. thanks for putting this up and trying to make people aware :)

on Sep. 3 2010 at 11:34 am
Phantom_Girl GOLD, Ft. Carson, Colorado
14 articles 0 photos 279 comments

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&quot;If it comes out of the lion&#039;s will be on the test.&quot;<br /> -Mr. Bala

I hate that too.

"I'm a Wiccan."

"Oh really? What did you do for the last esbat?"

"...esbat? What's that?"

"Yeah, that's what I thought. Shut up."

on Sep. 3 2010 at 11:31 am
Phantom_Girl GOLD, Ft. Carson, Colorado
14 articles 0 photos 279 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;If it comes out of the lion&#039;s will be on the test.&quot;<br /> -Mr. Bala

I agree completely. I am a Wiccan myself. I still can't figure out how a religion that says HARM NONE is evil. And how I can worship a devil that I don't even believe in. Seriously, people. Accusing a Wiccan of worshipping the devil is like accusing an Athiest of worshipping god. It just doesn't fit.

Anyway, great article.

Blessed Be

on May. 1 2010 at 10:23 am
krazykathleen BRONZE, Edwardsville, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 99 comments

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&quot;7/5 of all people do not understand fractions.&quot; -Unknown

Being a Christian, I am not familiar with Wicca. I  personally believe in one God and a devil, but I respect your religion and beliefs. I also love how you talked about your religion and didn't just rip other people's religions, like so many other articles on here. I now know more about the Wiccans. Congrats on a nice piece!

ssssss BRONZE said...
on Apr. 9 2010 at 1:02 pm
ssssss BRONZE, Pleasant Prairie, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 28 comments

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If you love something, let it go, if it comes back to you it&#039;s yours, if it doesn&#039;t, it never was.

I'm a christian and I still understand exactly how you feel. It's the same way for christians. I have been trying very hard to start a christian club at my school and they said that they wouldn't pay for a teacher. I think it's easier for two people that have different religons to get along than someone that has a certain religon and an athiest mainly because they can relate when it comes to descrimination. I know you probably don't want to hear this but try just doing some research on the christian religon and why we believe what we believe. 

on Mar. 18 2010 at 10:53 pm
triciaargh BRONZE, Lake City, Tennessee
1 article 0 photos 2 comments

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One persons crazy is another&#039;s reality- Tim Burton

I'm a Wiccan as well, i also worship Nyx. I come from a hardcore Christian family, so i iunderstand your frustrations.
Blessed be(:

GypsyRose GOLD said...
on Mar. 18 2010 at 8:27 am
GypsyRose GOLD, Charlotte, North Carolina
10 articles 2 photos 3 comments
you worship Nyx....?

on Mar. 4 2010 at 10:29 am
CoNfUsEd_InSaNiTy BRONZE, Jackson, Ohio
1 article 1 photo 13 comments

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&quot;Everything happens for a reason.&quot; <br /> -Constance M. Burge (Charmed)

i am wiccan, and i agree with you completely. im new at this stuff. but i believe fully. and i am glad ive finally found someone who feels the way i do with this stuff. :)

on Feb. 13 2010 at 6:21 pm
earthy_kat GOLD, Sebree, Kentucky
17 articles 1 photo 34 comments

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&quot;My heart has joined the Thousand, for my friend stopped running today.&quot; - Hazel from the book Watership Down (by Richard Adams).

I completely agree with this article.I'm not a Wiccan myself,but I've researched enough to know that it isn't devil worship and that it isn't evil.