Are We Born Psychic? | Teen Ink

Are We Born Psychic?

April 11, 2016
By BuddingRose GOLD, Irwin, Pennsylvania
BuddingRose GOLD, Irwin, Pennsylvania
10 articles 0 photos 7 comments

Favorite Quote:
"A person's a person, no matter how small." -Dr.Suess

When we hear psychic abilities, we usually imgaine the wise Gyspsy fortuneteller gazing into a crystal ball or even the Jedi people of the Star Wars franchise. What if I told you that it wasn't all fiction? Could there be people out there who have gifts deemed "bizarre" by the scientific community? The anwser, in my opinion, is yes. 


While not all psychics own cool lightsabers or something awesome like that, to people like me, spiritual gifts are the greatest blessing in life. Let us remember that while not all psychics can tell the future, sometimes it can happen. I had two dreams that indicated good news in my waking state, and both have come true. Also, even though some psychics can't use the Force like Rey in Star Wars, with training and intense focus, we can manipulate the energy surrounding us, which can cause objects to move like in Star Wars. 


I believe that the scientific community and the Church is looking at it the wrong way. Science has often labled people with spiritual gifts as "disabled" and "needing a cure". Likewise, the Church, when confronted with issues like channeling, moving objects, and communication with spirits as "possesion" and "devil-woshiping". We are not disabled, insane, or devil-worshippers, but merely the average Joe with misunderstood talents. 

The author's comments:

I felt that I needed to write this piece to debunk commonly held misconceptions and stereotypes about psychics and spiritually gifted individuals. 

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