The Fear of Failure | Teen Ink

The Fear of Failure

April 13, 2009
By Sonja SILVER, Tucson, Arizona
Sonja SILVER, Tucson, Arizona
7 articles 0 photos 1 comment

My greatest fear is failure, lurking in my heart
My greatest fear lives deep inside of me
It surrounds me laughing hard with glee
Tormenting me with poison arrow darts

Running does no good for the fear just comes along
Fear of seeing the dreadful big F of failure
Prevents me from joining big adventures
My greatest fear failure is great, big and strong

Living with the fear of failure can be hard
But if you want it to be overcome
You need to stand up and bring up your guard
You need to block it from making you glum
You shouldn’t be afraid of a school report card
‘Cause it’s a failure in itself so face it ‘cause that’s the rule of thumb

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