Blind Love | Teen Ink

Blind Love

November 16, 2018
By JocelynR BRONZE, Monroe, Wisconsin
JocelynR BRONZE, Monroe, Wisconsin
2 articles 1 photo 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Logic can take you from Point A to Point B. Imagination can take you anywhere."
-Albert Einstein

We seem so alike in many ways
With you in my life, the years become days.
We talk about important things, the things in our lives
We talk about everything, the hurt, the truth, and the lies.

I love the way your hair has turned from blond to brown,
I love that your eyes are blue and profound.
I love that we argue, for I come back for more,
You always run back, to make my heart not quite as poor.

You don’t love me too, and that’s okay,
Because just this friendship makes me want things to stay.
I would rather get hurt than ruin the best thing in my life right now.
I would rather cry than worry about what feelings you won’t endow.

You deserve someone beautiful, someone fair.
We talked about our dreams and yours has blue eyes and blonde hair.
Again we argue, and it rips me apart, but talking to me and explaining yourself makes me feel like you are not human, but instead a work of art.

There are no words that describe you,
You are one of a kind,
And what makes my tragedy so beautiful, is that my love is so blind.

The author's comments:

Written about The Crush who doesn't love me back. This is my own original poem.

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