The Nativity | Teen Ink

The Nativity

November 27, 2018
By carolb BRONZE, New Orleans, Louisiana
carolb BRONZE, New Orleans, Louisiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

It was long ago and far away

In Bethlehem on Christmas day.

A child was born to a virgin girl

A savior for a sinful world.

The shepherds followed a star by night

To catch a glimpse of this wonderful sight.

Bearing gifts of frankincense, myrrh, and gold

They witnessed the birth the prophets foretold.

Mary and Joseph surrounded with love

This holy child sent from God above.

The animals, angels, and shepherds three

all bowed down on bended knee.

To show homage to the newborn King

Joy to the world, the angels did sing.

The Christmas season is full of cheer

Shared with family and friends we hold dear.

Attending Mass on Christmas Eve

Celebrating our savior's birth, for those that believe.

As we gather to trim the tree

We must never forget the nativity.

The author's comments:

My favorite holiday is Christmas and I wrote this poem because many people forget the whole reason people celebrate Christmas is to celebrate Christ.

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