It's Happening Again | Teen Ink

It's Happening Again

April 22, 2009
By Sheebs PLATINUM, Oxford, Florida
Sheebs PLATINUM, Oxford, Florida
29 articles 0 photos 9 comments

Favorite Quote:
You can look for love all you want but in the end love will always be right beside you.

You remind me of
this boy who had enough
enough of it all
because he had done it all
He had some secrets
some I said I wouldn't believe it
come were so deep
that he could only tell me his peep
the secrets he did not tell me
the ones I didn't want to see
were the ones that tore us apart
that made me play this part
You remind me of
this boy who had enough
enough of it all
because he had done it all
You say these things
that mess with my feelings
some I love
some I ignore and look above
You have this chick
that's not a bad pick
Butif you'd just listen
you'd be asking me not her the question
you remind me of
this boy who had enough
enough of it all
because he had done it all
I thought I knew you well
so that's why I can't tell
that I love you the same way
as the boy whose name hurts to say

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