Ode to the Night | Teen Ink

Ode to the Night

May 21, 2019
By A-Solorio SILVER, Wilmington, California
A-Solorio SILVER, Wilmington, California
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

From sunset to sunrise,

The hours seem to go so quick.

The night is a time for some of

The most beautiful things.


Spontaneous late night trips with friends,

To the empty beach to sit in the sand.

Midnight snacks with siblings,

Trying not to wake mom and dad.

Meaningful talks with

The one you love most in the world.

Falling asleep next to

The furry puppy that keeps you warm at night.


The night is the perfect time,

To do what you love most.

Oh what a lovely night.

The author's comments:

I wrote this based on a picture in my Creative Writing class.

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