Ode to Potatoes | Teen Ink

Ode to Potatoes

June 20, 2019
By Raisa_Khaled GOLD, South Windsor, Connecticut
Raisa_Khaled GOLD, South Windsor, Connecticut
11 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Potatoes: The perfect food   

With enough nutrition

Pursuing my mood

With admission. Potato chips,

Sweet potato, Potato salad,

French Fries, Potato wedges,

Mashed potato, Coming in many forms.

The potato is a warrior

That journeyed through the undergrowth

As a runaway.

It travelled in a truck

All the way to

The grocery store

Just to find me.

Its desire was to be


Deep fried,

Then salted to perfection.

The mighty warrior fought

For its desire to find battlegrounds

To have a fight

In a human stomach.

The warrior is true to its duty

To help fight against the war

Of hunger.

But every warrior must be sacrificed

In this task.

May all the potatoes

Rest in peace

For one day, they’ll be warriors once again.

The loss of our warriors

Have given us strength

Of nutrition to fight


We will miss you potatoes

As you journey through the undergrowth

And find a place to rest in peace

After all of your hard work.

Your skin may be frail and uneven,

But in the inside,

You are as pure and hard as gold,

With a true heart

Of a warrior.

The author's comments:

This poem was inspired by Pablo Neruda and his odes to interesting topics like his socks, tomatoes, or even to a fish. 

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