June | Teen Ink


May 15, 2009
By Starla13 SILVER, Leesville, Louisiana
Starla13 SILVER, Leesville, Louisiana
7 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
Life is one thing you should love, but love is one thing you should live for.

The young are set free,mother's pulling their hair.
Father's are happy,their sons can fish and hunt.
Every one is caught up in the moment of the sun,the time where we can all enjoy life as one.
Something to look foreward to,somthing to dream about,so get ready parents,cause summer's here,and the kids are out.

The author's comments:
June is just my favorite time of the year,to see kids running around,and every year,I say to my dad "Dad,school's about out." And he always responds,"Oh,Lord,here we go." It's just a great feeling,the feeling summer brings out.


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