Goodbye | Teen Ink


December 19, 2019
By Kevin21 BRONZE, Arlington Heights, Illinois
Kevin21 BRONZE, Arlington Heights, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I clench onto your hand firmly,

To the nearest exit.

Visualizing your curly dark hair,

And light brown eyes.


How am I suppose to tell you that I can’t help?

I run,

Although I run to the opening;

Releasing your smooth hand.


I stand with no remorse,

Without your force.

Of the soul,

That was so foul.


It was my shot,

For you to no longer be on top.

To see your figure deteriorate,

In the spite of fate.


My opportunity for victory,

And a final misery.

From my dark brown eyes,

Brought by your light brown eyes.


Memories I’ll always cherish,

Wondering why you were so careless.

Don’t be committed to pretend,

I anticipated that you were my first real friend.

After all I’ve done,

Just to witness you run.


All I see,

Is the person I was afraid you’d be.

Covering those tracks,

Behind my back.


Sacrificed everything,

Feeling unworthy of a king.

Letting go of your hand,

Was never planned.


A desire to heal,

Because you weren’t real.

Too many broken promises,

comprehending the opposite.


This is the last stop,

Where I say my goodbyes;

To you, and your lies.

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