The Darkness | Teen Ink

The Darkness

June 4, 2009
By SarahC BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
SarahC BRONZE, Louisville, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 9 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Today I caught myself smiling for no reason... then I realized I was thinking about you"

I am alone,

all alone.

People are around me,

But never really see me.

They don’t care,

Not about me.

No one does:

I am all alone.

I am the darkness

That is what I’m called.

They don’t know who I am, though
"Is it human?” People say

“An animal?”

“Or a. . . MONSTER?”


They’re wrong.

I’m none of those things.

I am the darkness.

That is all I am,

That is all I will ever become:

The darkness.

I am as dark as a black raven soaring through the mid-night sky

I am alone and mistreated as an abandoned dog on the sad

side of the broken road.

I am as hated and despised as a traitor.


What have I done?

The answer is nothing.

I have done nothing;

I am nothing.

I assume it was destined;

fate you may say,

All because I am the Darkness.

Not a human,

Not an animal,

Nor a monster,

I am the Darkness.

The author's comments:
This poem is called "The Darkness". I hope you like it and i'm sorry if you don't. It was inspired by a painting my mom painted. Different people get different things from this, so whatever you think, just go with it!

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