10. | Teen Ink


July 27, 2022
By venusloveslola SILVER, Burnsville, North Carolina
venusloveslola SILVER, Burnsville, North Carolina
9 articles 0 photos 3 comments

Favorite Quote:
“Unable are the loved to die, for love is immortality.”

-Emily Dickinson

count to 10

it'll go away

1. breathe breathe breathe
     2. don't make a sound he'll see that you're weak
        3. pretend he's not there
             4. don't let him see the tears that's what he's trying to achieve
                5. let your mind go numb
                    6. hold in the screams and cry's of pain
                         7. don't ever tell anyone
                              8. oh..you told
                                  9. mom doesn't believe you this is what you were scared of
                                       10.change your whole life because of what you told them

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