I Am From (emily corcione) | Teen Ink

I Am From (emily corcione)

September 19, 2023
By eacorcione BRONZE, Waddy, Kentucky
eacorcione BRONZE, Waddy, Kentucky
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I Am From

By: Emily 

I am from a warm oven of delights you can smell for a mile, from K-pods and Tide. 

I am from the simplicity and cedar wood, homemade cookies fresh out of the oven, the smells of home.

I am from the honeysuckle, whose nectar was sweet as the finest of sugar. 

The Peach Trees whose long gone limbs I remember as if they were my own.

I’m from cornbread dressing and artistic skills, from Leslie and Matthew.

I from wavy and thick hair and blue eyes. 

I’m from A Southern Draw, Hey Y’alls.  and “Y’all come back now!”

I’m from Watergate Salad, as green as the grass of a lush valley. 

I’m from Macon Georgia and southern roots. 

Caramel Cakes and cinnamon rolls. From a little country store full of treasures. Loving ness and queen of sweets. 

Old photos of cherished memories wrapped up in an album under my bed. 

The author's comments:

This is a piece about me, my home, and the things and people that make up my life.

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