Sit and Watch | Teen Ink

Sit and Watch

December 14, 2023
By ari_paige GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
ari_paige GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I sit and watch the fall of the rain

feeling the soft peach fuzz grazing upon my face 

as I cup my warm rosy cheeks to stabilize the atlas. 

I sit and watch through the window. 

The window was frigid and smooth 

The window looked blue, but no stained glass.

I sit and watch the cloudy tears race upon my aperture,

My bet was the right tear but it was the left.

¨Was the right tear sad?¨ I said now melancholy 

I sit and watch the participation fade

Why do grey skies and rain make us sad?

Must be the symbolism.

All I did was sit and watch

Maybe sit and think

But I can't think if I don't watch.

The author's comments:

This is an ekphrastic poem about Will Barnet´s ¨Study for the Dream¨(1990)

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