Psycho Neurosis | Teen Ink

Psycho Neurosis

February 5, 2024
By King_KDA ELITE, Burlington, Washington
King_KDA ELITE, Burlington, Washington
111 articles 0 photos 32 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Numquam finitur, donec vita finiatur."
- K. D'Angelo Alexander

I’m not paranoid,

People are just out to get me

Losing my sense of,

My touch with reality

I think I’m a god,

A deity above all others

Prophetic dreams, and

Nightmares that smother

Everything hurts,

I can’t breathe

Begging, pleading

For something to relieve

This feeling

Of psychoneurosis


What’s real,

And what’s not?

What is fact,

And what is thought?

I can’t think clearly,


Can’t talk right

Thoughts nomadic

Memory’s failing me

The ghosts grab onto

My body

Mood’s swinging

Up, down

Over, around

Through and out

Smile, and frown

Grin, and pout

Is it even neurosis at this point?

Is it psychosis?

Psycho Neurosis?


Man, I should really talk to my doc,

But I don’t trust her

She’ll think I’m crazy,

Which I am, but they can’t know

Time-bomb clock tick tock

I miss her, 

Thoughts hazy

Does it show?

The author's comments:

I believe this piece really concludes the neurosis quatrain-collection, as the mind slips in and out of reality. Was it psychosis, or neurosis? The pacing of the poem, and word choice was intended to demonstrate the roller-coaster of thoughts, and emotions one experiences throughout psychosis/neurosis. Some parts are coherent, and intellectual. Others childish, and lacking sense. 

I decided to break up the word, “Psychoneurosis” which is another word for neurosis, for a reason. The poem is about both, and can be categorized as a more psychotic version of typical-neurosis. Hence the title, as it is a “psycho” neurosis. I’ve been basing a lot of these poems around my personal experiences, and feelings, and figured I’d come clean about that. Most of my poems are about me, although I usually don’t describe them that way. They are my thoughts, and my feelings. This is the last poem in the book I am writing, and I think it may be the last poem I submit to TeenInk. If I come up with more ideas, I'll submit them, but for now I'm drawing blanks.

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