Meaning | Teen Ink


July 1, 2009
By OneMoreWaywardPoet SILVER, Libertyville, Illinois
OneMoreWaywardPoet SILVER, Libertyville, Illinois
9 articles 0 photos 15 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The world moves for love... It kneels before it in awe..."
- A quote from The Village

I present to you a perplexing query,
the thought of which makes me quite weary.

I want to know the meaning of life.
Beyond the anger and the strife.

Dont harp about the warmth of love,
Nor the soft white feathers of a dove.

I know the salty scent of the sea,
And the idle buzzing of a bee.

I have shrunk in fear from a raging storm,
And basked in the sun's rays, bright and warm.

Yet not one experience has lifted my obsession,
And I need release from curiosity's possession.

No, beauty doesnt interest me,
I want the truth, why cant you see?

I cannot take just one more day
without knowing why life is this way.

But it seems as I sat wondering why,
my life had gone and flown right by.

Now I wish I'd paid attention to
a rainbow or the morning dew.

So much that I would rather do,
But my time is up and death insues.

But for now I'm left with my regrets,
of a life the world will soon forget.

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