The Paradox of the Daily Drug | Teen Ink

The Paradox of the Daily Drug

March 5, 2024
By King_KDA ELITE, Burlington, Washington
King_KDA ELITE, Burlington, Washington
111 articles 0 photos 33 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Numquam finitur, donec vita finiatur."
- K. D'Angelo Alexander

Caffeine: the daily drug to dope-up your day!

Please dismiss any “side-effects” as fake.

Your dismal depression? Your constant fatigue?

A cup of coffee will lessen your pain!

Sitting through a lesson that’s lost its intrigue?

Energy-drinks will help you stay awake!

Having delusions? Can’t seem to fall asleep?

All of these things are only in your brain!

Your disgusting dependence just makes us rich;

Ignore all the rumors that it will make you sick.

The author's comments:

A poem on the negative aspects of caffeine, and how it is no less a drug than illicit substances. It inflicts upon those who constantly use it a dependence that doesn’t allow them to function properly when they don’t.

The poem is paradoxical in a sense, as all of the feelings such as depression, fatigue, lack of interest/focus, delirium and insomnia can all be effects of constant high amount caffeine usage. Those who profit off of individuals’ dependence on their products know that people will just continue to consume coffee, or other caffeinated-drinks to alleviate the effects that it can cause.

This work comes from a personal experience of hardly being able to sleep for multiple days due to the consumption of highly-caffeinated substances, as well as having anxiety attacks, and irritability, along with other physical pains and discomfort. This was only from drinking three products, one each day, for three consecutive days. 

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