A Foggy Glass | Teen Ink

A Foggy Glass

April 30, 2024
By 4danes GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
4danes GOLD, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I am unwell.

A broken glass;

where once upon a time

I held a drink in my arms,

balancing all I could without

breaking down from the pressure.

The one friend I haven’t yet

pushed away hangs above me;

the angel on my shoulder, reminding

me that everything will be okay.

No longer am I chip-free

and humbly without cracks.

These cracks will scar, leaving

me a branded cow, identified by the pain.


I think back

to us together.

Two bent nails,

but we were bent

together. I tried to

save us, tried to bring

stability back into our lives.

I tried, I tried, oh how I tried.

But it was only I who was able

to follow through and straighten myself.

I left behind the one I couldn’t save,

the one who understood me.

You broke my heart.

A promise we made

to each other is now rotting

in the earth, met only with contempt

and regret. Whether it is my regret

or yours is not known, is only assumed.

My mind was tangled in an unsolvable weave

of only questions and no answers, leaving me

beyond hopeless, scratching at what could have been

if I had just stayed.

I am solid.

A foggy glass,

once again holding

drinks in my arms.

I am scared, but strong.

Chip-free, and humbly

without cracks. But I will never

forget from where I came and

the journey I traveled to be okay.

I have three angels on my shoulder,

and a halo above my head. They tell

me that things are no longer surrounded

by a deep, drowning blue.

The author's comments:

An ekphrastic poem inspired by “Blue Soap Bubble”, by Joseph Cornell, 1950

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