Alter Ego | Teen Ink

Alter Ego

June 7, 2024
By 5matson BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
5matson BRONZE, Sussex, Wisconsin
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When I was asked about what my ideal alter ego looks like I immediately thought of someone who is outgoing and confident. I wondered, Why do people have alter egos? Alter egos give people a sense of freedom; someone that they can be without a care in the world. My personal alter ego can make me feel secure in myself and allow me to be less judgemental of myself and live in the moment. This might be different from others' perspective on alter egos, some might say that they hate having an alter ego because it brings out the worst in them, but I feel if you believe your alter ego brings out the worst in you, you haven’t yet fully embraced yourself. Myself for example, my alter ego is someone who is more confident, outgoing, and less judgemental. Without this alter ego, I would be living in constant embarrassment, shame, and resentment, but every so often when the alter ego comes out, it helps me remember that I do have a side of me that is all of those things that I am not on a day to day basis. Many people have alter egos; for example, many musicians have alter egos when they go on stage and perform. This allows them to express their music and themselves. I feel that having a good sense of self helps develop your alter ego into someone that you can relate to and grow to love. Even if you don’t like your alter ego, remember that, alter egos are like mirrors, that show and reflect another side of yourself. 

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