I Remember | Teen Ink

I Remember

August 7, 2009
By dreamer10 SILVER, Newfields, New Hampshire
dreamer10 SILVER, Newfields, New Hampshire
6 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Though the waves of time
have washed across the beaches of my mind,
I can still remember

I remember the light shining softly through
veined leaves, casting gray-green shadows along the ground
All is still beneath the canopy.

I remember one path, one path alone so bright
With long pale stalks swaying in the air
Violet flower heads tilted, listening to a song

I remember, the peace and silence
Yet the emerald woods were alive with sounds unnoticed at first.
Wind sighing through leaves and trees swaying and dipping and rustling
to whisper back.

I remember the sweet smell of iris and spicy
Tang of fern-wood and earth and fresh rain too
All fill my mind as I close my eyes.

Though the waves of time
have washed across the beaches of my mind
I remember.

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