Rain Child | Teen Ink

Rain Child MAG

By Anonymous

Dripping rainbows envelop us
Sky quivers with liquid insanity
Wet glitter dances to the ground
And we splash in luminescent silver

Minutes stop as youthful days return
We are children dancing at a make-believe ball
I am a countess, you're a duke
When morning arises our ball is through

Our lips and hair and eyes are dripping
Down we fall to slippery pavement
Now is the moment when our laughter turns to music
It is the rain.

Glorious, wondrous, the ebony cotton cries
We look up at the universal canvas and smile
Stars are beginning to peep out
From their shimmery, faded surroundings

Falling, Falling, Falling
We are wrapped in a watery blanket
I am happy with the rain beside me
Rain is my companion, and she is singing.

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