The King | Teen Ink

The King MAG

By Anonymous

   He stood on a platform

And gazed upon the world.

The man had come to speak;

The people had come to listen.

They gathered from all corners of the nation,

Coming together for a single purpose.

They were different races, religions, ages,

But they were bound together by a single person.

The powerful words would be peaceful,

Not violent:

"I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up

and live out the true meaning of its creed.

AWe hold these truths to be self-evident;

that all men are created equal.'"

This man gave up his life

So others could enjoy the riches he never had.

He marched and spoke and suffered,

Accepting severe consequences.

Today the man is gone,

but one thing will never die -

His soul.

Others have taken his place.

They now march,

They now speak,

They now stand.

The pursuit for the dream has not ended,

But rather it has just begun.

One man lit the torch,

But now we must carry it.

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