Black Eyes | Teen Ink

Black Eyes

October 21, 2009
By LiGht-ChaseR GOLD, Out There, Oklahoma
LiGht-ChaseR GOLD, Out There, Oklahoma
11 articles 1 photo 12 comments

Favorite Quote:
"The Dark is generous, and it is patient, and it always wins, but in the heart of its strength lies weakness: One lone candle is enough to hold it back.
Love is more than a candle.
Love can ignite the stars." -Matthew Stover

A stray question floated from the back of the room, hitting the silent air--pieces fall out of place. "I've never seen someone with black eyes before..."
She answered nonchalantly, "Well, what about Ivvan, doesn't he have black eyes?" Our teacher shuffled behind her podium, turned to Ivann.
Then, silence was broken--he says, "No, I have brown eyes." Everybody watched him. They search his face, but he looks away...
He didn't want black eyes. He didn't want dark, coal-colored eyes, like something stolen from a criminal. No, he wanted regular eyes, the brown kind. But one look at his face and you knew his eyes were black. He knew it too.
--But he didn't know.
He didn't know his obsidian eyes were the most beautiful anyone ever seen. He didn't know how they glittered in the light or shined when he laughed. Or that they didn't even resemble the drenched-black orb he imagined--no, more of a darkness resting in an even deeper darkness. He didn't know how his coal black eyes were so beautiful, a unique sunset you could stare into for hours. His eyes burnt with emotion. A glance into his eyes resembled a gaze into a black hole, an emptiness so deep that one could get lost.
Black eyes reflected his heart like a coal-black pool of water. Heart mixed with soul and made a fire that set his eyes ablaze.

The author's comments:
There are two things that any one person has: something you can learn from them, and something absolutely beautiful about them...

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