Mixed Attractions | Teen Ink

Mixed Attractions

January 18, 2010
By misstayv PLATINUM, St. Louis, Missouri
misstayv PLATINUM, St. Louis, Missouri
32 articles 0 photos 7 comments

Blonde tips fall across your eyes 
Leaving shadows across your cheeks
And my heart weakend when our eyes met
It was then I felt something I'd never even knew was there
Guilt running through my blood stream Feeling filfthy even more because
These thoughts should not be in my head
This feeling should not be held so close in my heart.... 
But I can't help it when my mind wanders off and thinks of you
And body yearns for your cold hands
Body chemistry meeting with a heart's secret
Oh such a war 
My mind and heart stuck in battle....
This is not how things should be...
But why do they keep happening?
Oh love, forbaden me from sharing passion with a peer... 
Yet my heart seeks wiser
Longs....yearns for the comfort of a man so built and missing me.
A man who understands the nature of it all
I mean this world, emotions, love-it's own catorgory. 
So young I am yet my own heart's mind matured and vastly growing everyday
Attractions growing stronger and stronger 
Love.. Deepining by the second
My heart is in love with all the wrong people..

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