Why won't you? | Teen Ink

Why won't you?

March 15, 2010
By Kaye_K SILVER, Janesville, Wisconsin
Kaye_K SILVER, Janesville, Wisconsin
5 articles 0 photos 2 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If you expect perfection in your writing...then you shouldn't become a writer."

She’s sitting on the bathroom floor again.
Why won’t you extend your hand and help her?
She’s the one using her tears as her voice.
Why are you letting her cries go unanswered?
She’s looking at her reflection again.
Why won’t you tell her that she is beautiful?
She sees her mascara engraving black lines down her cheeks.
Why are you letting her think that she is pitiful?
She’s letting him break her heart again.
Why won’t you show her that she is worth more?
She’s the one who gives so much only to receive nothing.
Why are you letting heartbreak win this war?
She’s watching as the world passes by again.
Why won’t you tell her to keep her dreams alive?
She’s losing her faith in herself.
Why are you letting this poison consume her mind?
She’s sitting on the bathroom floor again.
Do you not see the tears falling from her eyes?
She’s a girl who is being crushed by this world,
But you still stand over her and criticize.

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