Falling For You | Teen Ink

Falling For You

July 14, 2010
By Ellaa GOLD, Belmar, New Jersey
Ellaa GOLD, Belmar, New Jersey
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Friends are like four leaf clovers....
Hard to find...
But lucky to have <3

Falling for…
Was a mistake
It was like looking into a black hole
The whole time,
All I saw was darkness
The world has much more to offer
Then what I saw,
I saw with you.
You turned my world black
The happy song in my head
Turned to bad.
All the sweet notes
Started to turn sour.
One by one,
My smile faded
My life was becoming a disaster
But I couldn’t see that because I believed in us
I believed in you
Until I thought about it…
And all you had to offer
Was a life filled with darkness.
Not love
Not a happy tune
There is nothing more in my life
But an empty black hole that you left in me.
A hole that you created,
But I tried to destroy,
You were a mistake in my life
And now I can’t look back
It would hurt too much,
To see the pain you caused
Deep into my soul it hurts to turn the new pages forward.
They’re not black like my past with you
But whiter every time
And the biggest mistake of my life was….
Falling for you…

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