No Pressure | Teen Ink

No Pressure

July 21, 2010
By ShytoyaB SILVER, Oxford, Alabama
ShytoyaB SILVER, Oxford, Alabama
6 articles 0 photos 19 comments

Favorite Quote:
There's gonna be some stuff u gonna see that's gonna make it hard To smile in the future, but through whatever you see, Through all the rain and all the pain, you gotta keep your sense of humor. you gotta be able to smile through all this bull~"~tupac

Don’t pressure me into loving you,
because I might push you away.
Don’t pressure me into being perfect,
because I might go astray.
Don’t pressure me into opening up,
because this might not be the right time or place.
Don’t pressure me, DON’T PRESSURE ME!!!
You say there’s no pressure.
You say whatever may happen, we can out storm the weather.
No pressure, No pressure,
that’s not how I feel.
Everything is moving way too fast to be real.
Don’t pressure me to be true,
because I might lie a time or two.
Don’t pressure me to pick you up half the way,
because that’s something I might not be able to do.
Don’t pressure me to succeed with us,
because I might just disappoint you.
Just pressure me to be me,
because that would be soo sweet!
No pressure, No pressure!!!!


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