Graduation | Teen Ink


January 14, 2008
By Anonymous

This day will be bittersweet.
This day will bring in so many emotions.
Parents are feeling bittersweet as well because it is now official;
their kids have grown up right in front of their eyes.
On one hand parents will be clapping because
their beloved child made it, but wishing they were still starting kindergarden.
Teens realize they have just ended an eighteen year chapter
and beginning a new one that holds an uncertain adventure.
Diplomas were the key to their new life.
Everyone waiting anxiously to walk across
the finishing line of success; or also known as life’s stage.
The valedictorians speak their minds and help us realize
that in between freshman year and senior year we grown up
and matured just a little.
Memories will be dancing through our heads as we watch
each of our classmates walk to the finish line
of our highschool years.
Too many nights of staying up late, making memories mixed
with laughter. Too many tests and some silly teachers we had
to deal with. Those stupid tests, assignments, and our teachers
are what brought us to where we sit today and try to grasp the
importance of this day.
Caps are flying, tears are flowing down our fresh faced cheeks
as we will all remember “Graduation Day.”
We will remember it as a huge stepping stone that moved us
into the future of higher education and into the adult phase of life.

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