Its simple, this story, the endless tail of our heart | Teen Ink

Its simple, this story, the endless tail of our heart

January 16, 2008
By Anonymous

Its simple, this story, the endless tail of our heart
From where the love grows, and how it all starts
The eye sight of something wonderfuly great
Your restless mind writting down every perfect trate
Flawlessly you grin, and expect a response
Its a tough chance you take, i call heads, in this coin tose.
Heads it is, they reply back, and thrillingly you strive for more
You feel as if you can touch the sky, your hopes are high above the floor
But wait, something strange has suddenly accured
Their walking towards you, why in all the storys, this is something ive never seen or heard
And in that second, they sweep you of your feet
Little do you know, this moment still isnt complete
The details are given, the numbers are dialed in
Tommorow marks the first night, of a love thats waiting to begin
Romance in this story is key to all success
For some heals, an approite tie, and an incredible dress
You've got to know eachother inside and out
Will this be a happly ever after, i have no doubt
To end this night with something like this
A simple i love you and an everlasting kiss
This fairytale, every one will star in someday
You just have to follow the guidlines and admire what you say
So thank you for your time, for reading what is true
I told you it was simple, believing in it, is all you have to do

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