My Best Friend | Teen Ink

My Best Friend

January 18, 2008
By Anonymous

I'm glad to know you're sorry for the pain I was put through and I don't feel the same way I did but I still love you.

It's good to know you care because it makes me feel loved and when I hear the word friend you're one of the first I think of.

You call me and we talk for hours on the phone just because we want to and you're bored and alone.

We'll talk about what your dad is, food and our fish and then you'll tell me I need to come over and I'll say I wish.

Come on Bonnie we'll go rob a train, talk about my hot chocolate you stole and then I'll say something and you'll call me insane.

Well laugh at all the things I did for band at the football games and remember that one time in 7th grade we got kicked out the band room by Strain?

Do you remember when I introduced you to our bubbly " fun-sized " friend? And how we were asked if the three of us were related over and over again?

We made alot of memories in those hours of phone time and I'll never forget what you said about the 50 yard line.

So Strawberries this one is for you and no I don't speak cheese omlet and maybe you do ( who knows ). But don't think just because you don't say it I don't know you miss me too.

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