Suddenly i am in front of the lights again | Teen Ink

Suddenly i am in front of the lights again

January 20, 2008
By Anonymous

Suddenly i am in front of the lights again the peoples faces in the crowd are blank and strange. I can feel my heart pounding in my chest racing me to my death.

Suddenly i am lost again the scenery has changed into dark shades of gray. I can feel the cold running through my soul. As the lies run through my head. As i lie in my bed at night i can tell something isn't right.

Suddenly i am found again. By a stranger unknown. I don't feel so alone. But when i felt safe again my world came crashing down again.

Suddenly i am in front of the lights again. The peoples faces are blank and strange. I can feel my heart pounding in my chest. Racing me to my death again.

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