The Free vs. The Reading | Teen Ink

The Free vs. The Reading

January 21, 2008
By Anonymous

The world is passing by
Some reading
Others living freely
Some stay inside
Scared of what will happen
The world moves freely as the imagination
Never a gap in between
Except fo those who are scared
that say inside
But those who are free
Floats with the world
The world must go like this
Tricking the scared
Enjoying the freed
But what in between
For the once reading the scared
And the once that are free?
The ones on the porch
In between the freed and the scared
Sometimes are free
Sometimes are reading
Taking small steps like others on those porches
To be free and care free is there goal
This is me
Trying to be away from the scared
Letting the mind flow like the world
Set free.

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