Love Fuel | Teen Ink

Love Fuel

June 16, 2008
By Anonymous

Farther than the deepest of seas
Faster than light’s speed
Oh the distance I would cover
The lands my feet would roam
The seas I would swim
And the skies I would fly
Emancipated are the boundaries
For me to find you
The yearning aches so much
It’s my North Star to you

Flocks of bird ensemble
The mother bear by her cub’s side
The fishes that nestle their eggs
Implication that love has
The fuel behind what is done
My justification for having you

My dearest, it’s overbearing
This vacancy of you
Is of contrary to my needs
You are my food, my clothing, my shelter-
My sole necessity
Vital for my survival
Without you
My presence vanished

Anxious; heart beats in a marathon
Impatient; tolerance long gone
Not in my sight you are
Eyes hopelessly still roam
Feet move by the emotion in my heart
Not long now, will
I have you in my grasp
Soon my dearest, soon
Is it not my love that will guide me to you?

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