2 tone poem | Teen Ink

2 tone poem

April 19, 2011
By vonta,livinglife BRONZE, Joliet, Illinois
vonta,livinglife BRONZE, Joliet, Illinois
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Favorite Quote:
I&#039;ve always believed that if you put in the work, the results will come. I don&#039;t do things half-heartedly. Because I know if I do, then I can expect half-hearted results.&quot;<br /> <br /> &quot;As athletes, we&#039;re used to reacting quickly. Here, it&#039;s &#039;come, stop, come

Part of me is basketball orange

Bouncy and athletic

Circular and bright

Teasing my fellow balls with my high bounce and control in the spotlight of the NBA.
But deep down inside all my basketball orange there’s another part,

Tear blue-clear, like a baby we they are born

Quiet tears and rain

Pretty and fearful

Silent tears dripping down faces tears of defeat
But you ask what these colors are
Simply me

The author's comments:
i was at school and the teacher said write a poem about colors and how they relate to me

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