I Should Grow Wings | Teen Ink

I Should Grow Wings

February 8, 2008
By Anonymous

I should grow wings
For her…
So I can carry her into the sky
And show her the world,
As they unfurl and take in the morning breeze.

I should grow wings
For her protection…
So I can envelope her in their snowy down
And gaze at her with fervor,
As we twist and twirl towards the stars.

I should grow wings
For her enjoyment…
So I can see her smile
And laugh as the wind dances with her hair,
As her eyes dance with mine.

I should grow wings
To take her into the west…
Towards the setting sun
And overcome it in its own game
And laugh as we soar towards our future.

I should grow wings
To take her into the east…
Towards the rising sun
To be lost in its scintillating rays…
To be caught up on cloud nine.

I should grow wings
To take her to the pinnacle of the sky…
Towards the noon sun
Just so the beams could expose her beauty
And reveal to me her identity…

I should grow wings
She’ll need a guardian…
A champion of the heavens!
A crusader overwhelmed by his zeal!
For she is a pathos to my heart…

But I can’t grow wings…
I can’t show her that joy.
I can’t give her what she deserves.
I can’t take her to heaven and back again.
It’s a lost dream…

But she can grow wings…
Like a cherub,
Like a seraph,
Like an angel.
She could go to heaven…

But would she take me with her…
Or, would I be left here,
To weep at my misfortune?
To be stranded never knowing the ethereal places?

Maybe, just maybe…
Her smile will give me wings…
Her laugh will give me aspiration…
Her look will give me joy…
Her kiss will make me brave…

Then we’ll fly together!
A duo of destined souls!
Her hand in mine…
Reaching for the sky…

That’s impossible…
I can’t grow wings…

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