The Sun Will Shine | Teen Ink

The Sun Will Shine

December 5, 2007
By Anonymous

The sun was as bright as a diamond in the sky
but air was winter itself and cold
Suddenly, clouds like gray blankets began to arise,
the sun became a background, no longer bold.
Thud! Went the raindrops as they hit the ground.
Bam! as they hit the ceiling, such an awfully loud sound
Drops down poured with a deafening din.
Sounds of despair, whispered the wind.
The light no longer shone gloriously bright.
It became like night and light was no longer in sight
But even though the sun no longer shone like a gem,
and the rain continued on seemingly forever.
The rain would become death and finally end,
the sun would shine and make things better.
The loud thumps on the window would very soon cease.
Dark clouds would race away from the sky, and all would be in peace.

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