Thankful for a Broken Heart | Teen Ink

Thankful for a Broken Heart

January 12, 2008
By Anonymous

All these feelings built up inside
I thought it was Love
Then I realized it was anything but
It was all just a game to you

All those sweet words
Whispered in my ear
Those promises made
Just to be broken

I was just someone new to lie to
Another girl on your list
Another innocence taken
Another heart broken

But don't worry hun,
I don't regret you
The things that we did
Or the things that I said

Because unlike you
I meant them all
You were what I wanted
And I meant forever

But don't feel bad
For everything you did
I thank you, honey,
Because you opened my eyes

Thank you for
All your hurtful lies
Your broken promises
And for breaking my heart

You helped me realize
That through all this Pain
I will be perfectly fine
Because I'm better than this

I'm stronger than you
And I don't need this
Most importantly,

I end this saying,
Love is just a game. A "player's game."
You never know what the player is going to do next. Sometimes you just have to take a chance and hope you don't lose.

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