It's the Way You Look at Me | Teen Ink

It's the Way You Look at Me

January 13, 2008
By Anonymous

It's the way you look at me
When I'm unsure
Of how I feel, which
Happens quite often.

You always know
just what to say
But, sometimes
You don't say it.

I'll get frustrated with you,
But you know it will end all right
I spend hours worrying over nothing
Becuase the next day, nothing ever happened.

Then, we won't speak
For weeks on end
I really do not understand

I try to reassure you,
But it doesn't work out
How can we let this continue,
This warped web we weave?

I used to think it could work
We could think of something
But that hope has long faded
And I've moved on.

I cannot believe I trusted you
I told you things no one else knows
You taught me how to share the things inside,
But I'm finding it harder every day without you.

This time I don't think
That either of us knows the end.
I don't want to lose your friendship
Over soemething so insignificant.

I used to talk to you for hours
And now? Nothing.
Please, if it's something I've done tell me.
Not talking is tearing me up inside.

If you no longer care
About this friendship
I guess I'll need to know
I'm just not sure how I'll ever let you go.

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