Hate | Teen Ink


February 15, 2008
By Anonymous

I should hate you for all you've done/
But I can't find it in myself/
Afterall, I've never been a convincing liar/
And so you wouldn't believe me/
Damn you for seeing through me so/
I hate how you can read me/
And make me believe your empty promises/
I hate that I'm just another of your sins/
And I wonder how many others there are/
I hate everything about you/
yet, I can't hate you/
Even though you deserve it/
You'll smirk, and lie, and decieve again and again/
And no one will know it/
You're too well practiced in the are/
You can make anyone love you/
Ane make it impossible to hate you/
Is that what you did to me?/
Why did I believe you?/
I should've known you were lying/
Yet I fell for it all the same/
And I can't hate you for any of it/
I hate myself too much/

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