Wicked Lovely | Teen Ink

Wicked Lovely

April 28, 2008
By Anonymous

come dance with me in the valley of the summer fey.
holding an eternity in one hand and me in the other.
With graceful sweeping motions court me.
while they all become the various colors of envy
I become a wicked lovely shade of sun.
glow radiates off every inch of your skin as we glide through the night.
eating and drinking the food of the glorious summer fey.
all stares are forgotten while in your arms,
the moon and stars even stop their forever rotation to watch this sight.
king of mine, now and forever I will dance with you,
jealous girls of yours will always stare, never radiating the type of light I do.
come dance with me in the valley of the summer fey.
to become inescapably joyful is to be here with my king.
finally they disperse into the light that fails in comparison to ours.
we are left alone in the valley of the summer fey to dance for an eternity and forever.
we are left alone to admire the gorgeous valley of our summer fey.

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