Determination Won’t Let You Stop | Teen Ink

Determination Won’t Let You Stop

April 4, 2008
By Anonymous

Determination won’t let you stop
You cry and say “I’m going to die”
But it won’t let you quit
It is like a voice inside telling you to keep pushing
You want to rest
But it says “keep giving you best”
There is a goal you think you can’t reach
It keeps pushing until you can’t move
Then in its own way it gives you a speech
It won’t let you stop it says don’t quit
Your head says you can’t
But your heart says you can
It’s up to you to make a choice
Head or heart
You don’t have long to choose
You will have to live with which one you pick
It could be a wonderful surprise
But it could be as painful as losing a friend
You choose to keep going
And you reach your goal
You fee like a young boy who just got his favorite toy
You gave it your best
And you feel great

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