Shall I Compare Thee | Teen Ink

Shall I Compare Thee

April 17, 2008
By Anonymous

When I go out on a summer’s day,
It is sweet
Yet the sun is bitter against

My frail skin.
Pale skin.

Nothing comes between me and my summer.
I wouldn’t let it happen,
Come on! It’s MY summer!

My summer of flip flops and ice cream cones
My summer flies past my skin and bones.

When I’m caught saying goodbye
To my summer’s day,
It’s not a pretty sight.
I cry and cry and cry and cry…

The light of august fades…
The leaves of fall begin…
The blue skies and purple sunsets
And green waves of the ocean
Turn to gold and brown and orange skies

And purple fades to black
As eventually we are forced to turn our digital clocks back.

I long for summer, it gets me out of school
When summer’s over,
It’s almost as if a new year begins.
A new year of school, a new year of sports, a new year of stress
And something I cannot name for cause of possible arrest. (teehee)

Slimfast shakes
Cannot quench this hunger
For the sunny days of summer.

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