Rock and Roll | Teen Ink

Rock and Roll

February 20, 2008
By Anonymous

The road to Nazareth. It twisted
North and South
across pine-laced hills and rocky pastures—
all the while gyring within an American anthem.
Sounding something like Amazing Grace.
Only if angels sang like lonesome roadmen
rattling through the night.
Go down, go down that endless highway—
to darkness, to light, or perhaps to
the blessing of a Second Coming.

Sailing to Patmos. The boat rocked
to a stormy rhythm of two-and-four
all the while trying to catch
the divine truths in between.
Sounding something like the battle for Heaven.
Only if angels fought with electric bolts—
thrusting fire and lightning alike.
Go down, go down that dark-wine sea—
to Hades, to Eden, or perhaps to
the curse of a Dusty End.

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