One Day... | Teen Ink

One Day...

February 21, 2008
By Anonymous

Have you ever
gone without things
that you need?
Or are you a King,
that shall not know
what its like,
to be like us?
You may have everything,
that you need,
just to make life,
the way you want it,
to forever be.
What about us?
The lonely ones,
who have nothing?
Barely anyhting,
to survive.
One day though,
I know it shall,
It will,
be better for us!
I try to remember,
to pray every night.
To pray,
for us to get,
just a little better.
But all those monsters,
that we must feed,
just to stay here,
are takeing more,
and more, day,
by little day,
till we have nothing,
yet again.
But one day,
I shall make,
our lives better,
by the words I will sing.
No more struggling,
just to get by.
One day,
you shall be,
in a world,
of Kings and Queens.
I'll make sure of it.
I can make it better,
by the words I write.
So no more.
should you worry,
about if we can,
live life till the end.
For it should,
be better,
One day......


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