Clock Flashes 12 | Teen Ink

Clock Flashes 12

April 29, 2008
By Anonymous

Clock flashes 12, still awake,
Tasks unfinished, in need of a break..
Called again, told the same lies-
Confused and alone, pools swell in brown eyes.

Seeking desperately to go back to the start,
Happy memories pierce like a dart-
Put all trust in a complete letdown..
Dreams of being far away from this town.

Hard to explain the moment you know-
Promises made were all for show.
Useless and stupid, lying still on the floor,
The breathtaking realization there will never be more..

Exhausted to the point that there's nothing left to give-
Realizes fear is no way to live.
Letting go is moving away from home..
Hard to say goodbye to all you've ever known.

Clock blinks red, twelve o'five,
Misses the feeling of being truly alive.
No call back, no surprise-
Pools fall from tired brown eyes.

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