Day to Night | Teen Ink

Day to Night

May 1, 2008
By Anonymous

12 a.m. with the stars shining bright.
The sky is a majestic black.
Crickets are chirping in every direction.
The day is arriving.

The sky is a majestic black.
The sun is creeping in.
The day is arriving.
The earth is awakening.

The sun is creeping in.
Animals rustle in the woods.
The earth is awakening.
Everything is coming alive.

Animals rustle in the woods.
People start on their daily routines.
Everything is coming alive.
The sun is shining in the sky.

People start on their daily routines.
Adults go to work and children go to school.
The day is here.

Adults go to work and children go to school.
Morning has departed.
The day is here.
Afternoon is comming.

Morning has departed.
The sun is at its highest point.
Afternoon is coming.
It will pass shortly.

The sun is at its highest point.
Light is flooding the earth.
It will pass shortly.
Night will fall.

Light is flooding the earth.
The sun is setting.
Night will fall.
The stars will appear in the sky again.

The sun is setting crickets are chirping in every direction.
The stars will appear in the sky again.
THe sky is a majestic black.

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