A Wonderful Gift | Teen Ink

A Wonderful Gift

June 30, 2008
By Anonymous

Slowly, I opened my eyes
I looked around to see faces beaming down at me
Encouraging me to move onto the next step
With my family cheering me on
I started shaking the box to find some kind of clue
I took a deep breath, listening to my heart beat, bum bum, bum bum
Tearing the paper like there was no tomorrow
I silently awed in amazement, my eyes growing wide
To find the most magnificent thing I had ever beheld
Its beauty, had I known it existed
Was exquisite, like none I had ever seen
A lovely piece of art, I thought
The incredibly smooth porcelain felt like silk
From the simplicity of its shape
To the beautiful colors that made it unique
Staring at me, it now waited patiently to be touched
Carefully, I picked it up
Tingles swept through me as my fingers skimmed over the surface
I could not help but feel a sense of pleasure
Now it would hold many of my beloved treasures
Keeping them safe from any outsider
After studying it for an eternity
I then began tucking it back into its package, giving it a special place at my side
And started to reach for another present

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