The reason why | Teen Ink

The reason why

January 19, 2012
By katlynnalexis SILVER, Clinton, Connecticut
katlynnalexis SILVER, Clinton, Connecticut
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
&quot;In dreams and in love there are no impossibilities.&quot;<br /> Janos Arnay<br /> <br /> I encourage you<br /> One day the girl said to her sister, &ldquo;I give up on being Prom queen, someone stole my king.&rdquo;<br /> Her sister looked at her lovingly and said, &ldquo;My dear, what do you gain by giving up?&rdquo;<br /> The girl sat deep in thought and then said to her sister, &ldquo;I don&rsquo;t know.&rdquo;<br /> Her sister smiled then said, &ldquo;That is my point, you will gain nothing, my sister. There is no good in giving up. If you believe him to be your king, then he will come back and you have nothing to fret about.&rdquo;<br /> The girl looked upon her sister with tears in her eyes. &ldquo;She has stolen him and will not let him go. He was once mine, and I love him. She has ruined it. He will never again be mine.&rdquo;<br /> Her sister looked at her with sympathy, &ldquo;Wipe away your tears, my child, it&rsquo;s not over. Every day is a new day. Nothing is ever permanent. If he loves you, then he will always be yours, my sister he will come back.&rdquo;<br /> The girl wiped her tears away and sat in silence then said to her sister, &ldquo;Do you really think he will? I promise you that girl he is with, the one that stole him from me, is not good for him. She is a horrible person my sister. She does not love him like I do and he will never understand. In his eyes she can do no wrong and she is perfect, but she is slowly changing him I tell you. He walked away from me today when I tried to tell him of her ways. He has never walked away from me before.&rdquo;<br /> This time her sister had to think. She was silent for a while before she spoke. &ldquo;My love, do you see what she is doing to you? She has you wrapped around her finger like string, don&rsquo;t let her control you. She is feeding off of your pain. She knows you are hurting and she is using it to her advantage. My angel you need to talk to him, you have to tell him how you feel, instead of keeping it bottled up inside you. If he knows how you feel, I promise it will make everything so much easier for you.&rdquo;<br /> The girl looked at her sister and smiled, &ldquo;You are right, if I tell him, maybe he will still feel the same way. I love you my sister.&rdquo;

One night as the girl was walking with her sister she said, “Why are people mean?”
Her sister thought for a moment then said, “Why do you think there mean, my sister?”
The girl looked up at the moon and stars. “Because they have nothing better to do with their time then make other people feel worthless, like they don’t matter.”
Her sister took the girls hand and said, “My love do you know that for sure? I would like you to think back to the time when you and I switched from private school to public school. They looked upon us like we were of a lower social status then them. When really they are insecure. Past issues have changed them in ways they feel that can only be expressed in hatred towards others. It wasn’t that we were of a lower class then them; it was because we were different and they felt threatened by us.”
The girl again looked up at the sky, “Why do you think that now some people like, while others still don’t?”
Her sister took a deep breath and said, “My sweet, some still don’t want to accept the fact that they were wrong and that we are no different from them, while others see that we are just like them. We live in a world that is not always fair, love, but we have to learn to live through it. If we were to let every little thing bother us, we would be nothing, you see. We would be like everyone else, trying to lead perfect lives, and fixing the little things that we are suppose to let change us.”
The girl looked at her sister and smiled, “My sweet sister, I am glad we had this talk. I always feel safe around you and I am glad that we can talk about everything together. Some people aren’t as lucky as we are, but we have each other and that is all that really matters.

I love you my sister.

The author's comments:
I dont really know why i wrote this one. probably had SOMETHING to do with my sister.

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