Black Rose in a Pure Garden (a poem about racism) | Teen Ink

Black Rose in a Pure Garden (a poem about racism)

July 7, 2008
By Anonymous

The garden of snow white lilies overflows
In the center the Black Rose grows alone
Its petals are unique
But its beauty goes unnoticed
For all those who surround it
Are fairer

The lilies extend their roots
Deep, deep down into the soft dirt
Securing heir place in the garden
The Black Rose waits for its turn
But soon the earth surrounding it is full
No room is left for the Black Rose

The lilies reach their petals high toward the sun
But the Black Rose waits
Fear of standing tall all alone
Condemns it
Without sunlight it begins to wither

A gust of wind blows
Those with roots deep in the ground
Remain standing
But the Black Rose can’t cling in anymore
It’s whisked out of the garden
And the garden is pure once more

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